04 Sun-gazing part 4

There are nine amazing health benefits that come along with sun-gazing. So I will list them below:

  • Increase Melatonin
  • Improves sleep
  • Fatigue Fighter
  • Improves dream recall
  • Increase pineal size
  • Boosts engery
  • Improves eyesight
  • Helps seasonal affective disorder (sad)
  • Improves endocrine system health

Those are just some of the things that sun-gazing can help improve in your body. They are always looking for new ways it helps your body and new research they can do. Sometimes sun-gazing is called sun eating. Because you are getting all the nutrients that you need from the sun. Hira Ratan Manek submitted his work and research to NASA to be further tested. Sun eating stimulates the body. It is believed that sun eating can be effective treatment for some conditions. It acts as an healing agent. People as how do I start sun-gazing? It is a 9 month process. It has three phases: 0-3 months, 3-6 months, and 6-9 months. To see results and maintain the benefits you need to continue sun gazing daily. Some people claim there are some side effects such as itching in the evening. Other than that there are lots of people that support sun gazing. Most people say that their eyesight is the thing that most improved since they started sun gazing.

Eye in the sun. Sun-gazing
Sun gazing improves eyesight. Many people swear by it. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=sungazing+images&view=detailv2&&id=5607BE8F3BE2BF0A74F2CF9B293603222B29D107&selectedIndex=0&ccid=DyWN9r4X&simid=608030098858314272&thid=OIP.M0f258df6be17d1d235be45a93affbc2ao0&ajaxhist=0

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