04 Sun-gazing blog 9

It is incredible to meet someone that has made it to 45 minutes of sun-gazing. It is a serious commitment. When you do meet someone that has made it that far it is amazing to sit and listen to their experiences throughout their journey. They claim that through their sun-gazing experience their hunger and the aroma craving disappear gradually and by the time they make it 45 minutes it is completely gone. They do not feel hunger any longer. Which is honestly crazy to me. If you did not know, which I did not there is a such thing as a professional sun-gazer. After you reach the 45 minutes of straight sun-gazing, you are supposed to then redirect your focus to the earth. For 6 days after you reach the 45 minutes you are supposed to walk for 45 minutes barefoot. During this time the pineal gland is supposed to be activated. Each toe is connected to a specific gland in your body, and walking barefoot is supposed to stimulate these glands in your body. I will list the toes and which gland it is connected to below:

Big toe- Pineal Gland

Second toe-Pituitary Gland

Third toe- Hypothalamus Gland

Forth toe- Thalamus Gland

Fifth toe- Amygdala Gland

Those are some pretty important glands in your body. It is honestly amazing that walking barefoot on the earth for 45 minutes stimulate all of these. The walking barefoot is seen as the most important aspect of the practice. The walking improves your health as well. Memory, as well as intellect. Okay, so this part may sound weird and hard to believe, but some people think that sun-gazing and the walking stimulate your pineal gland in such a way that telepathy happens. It is said that if you can maintain walking for 45 minutes barefoot for at least a year you will only need to continue the ritual  for 3-4 days a week to keep the capabilities you have acquired.

To top all of this off, this information is NASA approved. They have done their own research and found that most all of the information people are submitting and experiencing are true. Which is insane!  clip-art-sun-rays-4

04 Sun-gazing blog 8

Well, we are back again. Sun-gazing just fascinates me every week I learn more and more about it. I honestly would love to try it personally, I just do not have enough time. This blog is going to be more along the lines of HRM which is the man from India. His full name is Hira Ratan Manek. He is a living legend in the sun-gazing world. Everyone that sun-gazes should know who he is. He is the one that kind of made it popular. I was on YouTube one day just messing around, and came across his video, it intrigued me because I had never heard of it until him. I think that, that is most people find out about it, but I could most definitely be wrong. Hira found that sun-gazing was an old old method of getting nutrients. The Greeks, Native Americans, and Egyptians were also sun-gazers. He was not always a sun-gazer. He came into the practice in 1992 after his retirement. Once he retired he began to look into the art of sun-gazing. Sun-gazing was not around much in the time he began to sun-gaze. It was old and forgotten. He studied and researched it for years before actually re-discovering it. Which is crazy, most people do not think to research and study something but for a couple hours before they decide to dive in or not. To this day he continues to live only off sun energy and water. How crazy is that. It blows my mind. The sun is such a awesome thing. He has been studied by numerous University’s and NASA. Which is so amazing. He is an amazing man, with a love and commitment to sun-gazing.

04 Sun gazing post 7

It is just so amazing how sun gazing is so beneficial in so many ways. It helps with many illnesses. There is a lot of people that stand by it. There are some testimonies of people with cancer that sun gazing  alone has decreased the cancer cells in their bodies. Like how amazing is that. God is good. It also helps your dietary journey also. If you decide to start a diet it would be a good idea to also start sun gazing. It would be very healthy for your body. And it will help suppress your appetite without using pills to do that. Honestly when I first heard of sun-gazing it sounded so dumb, and I did not believe in it. Reading all these testimonies it is really eye opening. It is like a relaxing meditative state for some.  Sun gazers are more into the natural ways of doing things. They do not believe in sunscreens and things like that. They say sesame oil works just as well or even better. Most eye doctors will freak out when you first tell them that you sun gaze. They will be blown away when they see how much it has improved your eyesight. So I encourage you to sun gaze if you have prescription eye glasses and see what the doctor says when he realizes your sight has improved.

04 Sun-gazing part 6

Sun gazing has so many stories going around about it. Some swear that it is a gift sent from above, which makes sense. Some think it is all a hoax. The people that think that it doesn’t work has not tried it. Actually some that think it doesn’t work say they have tried it. You have to commit to it once you start. You cannot start and do it for a week and expect to never eat again. It is a lengthy process. You have to do it every day until you reach you maximum. People will think it is a hoax, if they do not commit and give it time to nourish their bodies. It is such an interesting concept. You can read the hoax stories and read the stories of where it worked and compare the two. I personally think that it works. There is more times and stoires of it actually working. I mean with it being NASA approved I would think that, that is a pretty good source to get factual information from. Everyone has their own opinions and always will, but I encourage those who think it is a hoax to research or even commit and try it themselves.

04 Sun-gazing Post 5

Some people think that sun-gazing is fake, it doesn’t work etc. For those people, it is understandable, but there is studies out that proves sun-gazing works. It is considered an art form. I personally would love to start sun-gazing, but just simply do not have the time to take it on right now. If you plan to sun-gaze you definitely need to be able to commit and devote time as needed for it, or you will not get the results desired. If you look up on youtube Hira Ratan Manek, it will come up some videos of him explaining sun-gazing. I will attach a link under this blog to one of the videos. He is the man that went without eating for eight years. He is kind of a legend in the sun-gazing world. Honestly, I have read articles and blogs about people doing it, but so far his results are the most astounding. There are long videos on him, but the short ones are just as good and gets the point across. Sun-gazing is becoming more popular the more people learn about it. It is very popular in India and other parts of the world. Sun-gazing is now NASA confirmed, in my previous blog I talked about how he (being Hira) submitted his findings and research to NASA for further studying has been proven. That is a big step in the sun-gazing world. Now people that tend to not believe that it works has proof.


This is the link to the youtube video.

Thanks for reading!

04 Sun-gazing part 4

There are nine amazing health benefits that come along with sun-gazing. So I will list them below:

  • Increase Melatonin
  • Improves sleep
  • Fatigue Fighter
  • Improves dream recall
  • Increase pineal size
  • Boosts engery
  • Improves eyesight
  • Helps seasonal affective disorder (sad)
  • Improves endocrine system health

Those are just some of the things that sun-gazing can help improve in your body. They are always looking for new ways it helps your body and new research they can do. Sometimes sun-gazing is called sun eating. Because you are getting all the nutrients that you need from the sun. Hira Ratan Manek submitted his work and research to NASA to be further tested. Sun eating stimulates the body. It is believed that sun eating can be effective treatment for some conditions. It acts as an healing agent. People as how do I start sun-gazing? It is a 9 month process. It has three phases: 0-3 months, 3-6 months, and 6-9 months. To see results and maintain the benefits you need to continue sun gazing daily. Some people claim there are some side effects such as itching in the evening. Other than that there are lots of people that support sun gazing. Most people say that their eyesight is the thing that most improved since they started sun gazing.

Eye in the sun. Sun-gazing
Sun gazing improves eyesight. Many people swear by it. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=sungazing+images&view=detailv2&&id=5607BE8F3BE2BF0A74F2CF9B293603222B29D107&selectedIndex=0&ccid=DyWN9r4X&simid=608030098858314272&thid=OIP.M0f258df6be17d1d235be45a93affbc2ao0&ajaxhist=0

04 Sun gazing Part 3

Sun gazing usually takes place in the morning or evening. You should be barefoot and in the dirt. Hira Ratan Manek is the man in the western world that made sun gazing “cool”. He stands by his research and findngs. It is so interesting. He swears he has gone 8 years without eating because he gets all his nutrients from the sun while he sun gazes. It originated in India as early as 1995. The studies included people fasting and sun gazing. The first one lasted 211 days. The second one lasted 411. That is so crazy. That is over a year without eating. It is so cool that the sun can give you the nutrients you need and your body does not need food. The third study took place in the US. In philly. It only lasted 130 days, but that is still so cool. Sun gazing is different for everyone. Their bodies are different so therefore different results. To reach the 44 minutes mentioned in the blog before this one it will take you 9-10 months. It is very stressed that you stay within the time limit because it can be extremely damaging to your eyes if you do not. Sunrise and sunset only. The hour when it comes up and the hour when it goes down.

04 Sun gazing Part 2

According to the global healing center there are many benefits to sun gazing. There is a documentary called “Eat the Sun”. I have not got the chance to watch it, but it gives you incite of what sun gazing is, and facts about it. Sun gazing is just as it sounds. At sunrise or sunset which ever you prefer, you go out and stare “gaze” at the sun. You only do it for 10 seconds though, and over time you build that time up. Everyday you add 10 more seconds than the day before until you get to 44 minutes. Some might think and do think that staring at the sun is bad for you eyes. They are not wrong. At some points in the day the sun can be harmful to your eyes, that is why you only do it at sunset or sunrise. It is believed that it can infuse your body with energy in large amounts. One famous sun gazing man Hira Ratan Menek, will stand by sun gazing and its benefits. He claims to have gone eight years without eating, because he gets his nutrients from sun gazing. Which is incredible. He says that it is all because of sun gazing. His body feels replenished and healthy.
